May 9, 2013 – A fantastic day in Victoria ….

Today was awesome. The plane ride to Victoria was short and sweet.  15 minutes to fly from Victoria to Vancouver.  That is definitely the way to travel.   The weather was fabulous.  And the view from Lake Shawnigan was so pretty.  I loved being there.  And all the kids and staff were great too. I arrived in time to see some group activities and to have lunch.  Sat through a spectacular presentation.  And then there was me …  Talking about Amanda is still hard I am finding.  Especially when it is front of so many kids that are her age.  I did ramble on for an hour and 10 minutes.  And I was so worried that I wouldn’t have enough to say.  I don’t think I said it all.  My ADHD kind of presentation was all over.  Yes, I cried and got emotional.  Remember that pictures do that for me and I had a PPT done up.  Also showed the Wonder Woman video and that always gets me going.

My major message for the youth was basically that treating people with kindness and respect would eventually reduce the bullying type behaviours that exist.  I told parts about Amanda’s story, her life when she was young, her life as a teenager, internet stuff, etc.  It was varied and mixed with emotion and laughter.  Darn .. didn’t realize i had talked for that long.  I did manage to get many comments from the kids on how they would change government legislation and laws if they had the chance.   I plan to type them up and I will post them in bits and pieces.

I am off to Winnipeg tomorrow and I still have to pack. 😦

So here is a poem that someone sent me …  so fitting for today and the upcoming date of May 10th.  I will write tomorrow from Winnipeg.


About Carol Todd

Being the mother of Amanda Todd has lead me on this journey shortly after Amanda's death on October 10, 2012. Amanda's prolific You Tube video has been viewed over 33 million times. Through this video, there has been an increased awareness about cyberbullying, social media safety and mental health.
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6 Responses to May 9, 2013 – A fantastic day in Victoria ….

  1. Andria says:

    Boa Noite Carol !!!
    Gostaria de ler o poema mas não consigo ..preciso de tempo para digita-lo e traduzi-lo muito curiosa …


    • la Punisher says:

      Translation for Andria:
      Good Night, Carol!!
      I would like to read the poem but I can not .. I need time to type it and translate it very curious ..


  2. Savetheworld says:

    Happy travelling! Xo hugz ❤


  3. merle48 says:

    Traveling has a way of taking us out of our funk, especially when we have a cause to fulfill. It’s a big world, but sometimes, “it’s a small world after all.” Take that as you wish.
    You sound very positive today, and that poem is simply put…that our lives are short here, and love lasts an eternity…you will meet again…that is my belief.


  4. Hamsi says:

    What a beautiful poem!


  5. la Punisher says:

    Way to go Carol:, Speech presentation successful, MG you ur a busy lady, Good luck in the windy city, Loved that poem, I thought about You and Amanda and it brought a tear to my eye, Love the work your doing…
    Have another great day
    Hugz 2U


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