

62 Responses to Reflections

  1. L N says:

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and to the children who paid the price so that all Canadians would step in and stop it! The parents are a shrine for all of us.. of how we can make a difference
    threw the legacies of those passed!
    Stay Strong Forever! xxxxx


  2. L N says:

    Amanda’s story has brought everthing into perspective. A little girl.. growing up…how canadians
    turned against this child instead of reaching out. Turning against each other is not how the world should be. We are all sinners… in order to change the world… we as canadians must rally around
    in support. We cannot wait for the justice system to do it for us. Every person that knows the hurt that followed Amanda, take the time to do something to protect our society from these horrible things. horribleinciden



  3. Anisha says:

    I just came across Amanda’s youtube video that she had made before she took her own life. I feel like my life has forever changed. I cried and cried watching this poor girl go through so many different emotions and feel alone. I wish I knew her because I would have loved to be there for her!

    I’m 23 and have been dealing with a similar situation. I had an ex boyfriend that was my best friend for ten years and out of those ten we dated for four years on and off. I sent him pictures of me thinking that I could trust him only to find out that in December 2011 they were posted all over the internet, he had given out my full name, the town I live in, my zip code, the university I was attending and he was telling people that I enjoyed being “raped” and “gangbanged”. He pretended to be me and talked to several people telling them to come over my house. I could go on for hours telling you the disgusting, awful things he has done to me over the past year and a half. He was arrested in March of 2012 and was charged and then was arrested a second time in June 2013. He is currently going to court vs. the state for violating my restraining order and for the amazing law that New Jersey has passed “Invasion of Privacy”. I am extremely lucky to have the support group that I have.

    Hearing Amanda’s story hit so close to home because she was so young and had to go through so much. And nobody deserves to be treated the way she was.

    As a result of my situation, I linked up with Holly Jacobs who works on which is an organization working towards putting the proper laws in place to help other victims catch their perpetrators. It is also a great organization to help reassure victims that they are not alone. She is incorporating an anti-cyber harassment organization very soon and our first campaign in doing this is to tackle revenge porn. I am writing to you hoping that we can maybe work with you to help put an end to this and all the cyber bullying. If you could help please contact me via email!

    I believe that every victim deserves justice and I wish Amanda could have been around to see how far things have come and how everything is progressing. I am so sorry for your families loss. Amanda seemed like an amazing person and nobody deserves what she dealt with. Holly always says that she wishes she had started her organization a little bit earlier because Amanda could have been one person she had reached out to and made a difference for.

    RIP Amanda Todd! Your story has inspired me to keep fighting for all the victims that never got their day in court.


    • la Punisher says:

      To Anisha:
      Glad somebody was brought up on charges, At the end of the day A-holes like your ex. won’t have a place in this world…
      Keep fighting the good fight and ‘stay strong’


  4. Susana Pereira Louro says:

    I only heard about your daughter recently.
    It’s a real tragedy. She didn’t deserve all those terrible things.

    I have myself be bullied and if there hadn’t be a certain person whom I am grateful to, I might have ended depressed at a young age. Bullying – no matter the media or the “reasons” – is wrong.
    I wish people would be more conscious about how such things can affect someone.

    You daughter was strong for handling things for that long of a period, it’s only extremely sad that in the end something pushed her over.
    And it’s a formidable thing that you seek to try and provide help to prevent such a thing happening to others.

    Keep going on and I wish you luck and success. Hopefully such initiatives may help – and perhaps even save lives – as many people as possible.


  5. Sarah Schneider says:

    Hi Carol,
    As a teenager (14 going on 15) trying so hard to fit in and become loved and wanted in the eyes of those around , I found your video a wake up call . You can never be too careful and there are a bunch of sick and pathetic people out there in the real world , but we get so caught up in our own thoughts that we are blinded of what the problem becomes . I am very very sorry for your loss of your beautiful and talented daughter . She is a great inspiration to me , and I’ll continue to keep you all in my prayers . ❤ RIP Princess Snowflake 😥


  6. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A whole bunch of student comments that came in from George Street Middle School today about your video interview, Carol. Here are the comments:

    “Sad yet inspirational.”

    “The video had a great message. It shows the people who bully, that what can be the effects of it to the person who has been bullied.”

    “It was sad and I learned not to bully people.”

    “I learned that teens should tell someone if they are being bullied, also not to friend people you do not know on Facebook and Twitter.”

    “It got the point across. I liked the interview. It was sad but she’s not mad so that changes things.”

    “It was a good learning (experience) for anyone really and the penny story was pretty cool. It shows that you never know what can happen or who it can happen to. Treat people as you want to be treated and treat them how you would want others to treat your children.”

    “We should put an end to bullying. It is also really sad that the world is so full of hate and that one mistake can get you bullied for the rest of your life. I’m sorry for your loss.”

    “We should put a stop to bullying. This video wanted me to stop all the bullying in schools. I also learned that we should be kind and friendly to our friends.”

    “I learned that the online world is more dangerous than you think.”

    “The video was great. It had many good ideas to counter cyber-bullying like taking screen shots for evidence. Also this video will open the eyes for other teenagers who may be struggling and don’t know what to do.”

    “I thought the video made me more aware of what bullying can do and it is everywhere. In the video I heard lots of the questions she asked and when you responded most of it was about bullying and being aware of what the internet can do and how it can hurt many people. Now I see what bullying can do.”

    “It was helpful because not a lot of people know what cyber-bullying can do to someone and I liked when she said that they are hiding behind the computer and think that they won’t do anything.”

    “It had a good message. It really explains what can happen online if you aren’t careful. I think this video will make a difference. If anyone sees it and are being cyber-bullied or know someone who is, they will know what will happen if they don’t do anything about it. I’m sorry for your loss.”


  7. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A teacher message. “Bruce, please forward to Carol my heartfelt thank you for creating more awareness about the dangers that can happen on-line. As a teacher and as a father, it opened my eyes to things that I need to be more aware of and reminded me that no matter how mature I think my teenage kids are, they still need me to monitor what they are doing and also utilize me for any questions they might have about cyber bulling and harassment. Thank you Carol.”


  8. Bruce Van Stone says:

    Another new message from a grade 12 student. “Carol, thank you for doing the video. What you say is so true and we as teenagers need to be more careful about the dangers that lurk on the internet. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to students all over New Brunswick. I know a lot of people who have seen the video and is has impacted them for sure.” SA


  9. Bruce Van Stone says:

    New message from a grade 8 student. “i just saw your video and want to say thanks. it made me more aware of what can happen on-line and i’m sorry for your loss.”


  10. Bruce Van Stone says:

    This message came in today from a student in Beyond the Hurt. “Carol I knew Amanda’s story from Mr. Van Stone having discussed it in the winter of late last year, but your video brought her to life for me. She, like me, just wanted to be accepted and to be treated kindly and I am so sorry that this didn’t happen with some people. Your video has made me even more aware that I need to be
    watchful of what goes on on the internet and that I need to make sure that I don’t let people take advantage of me. Thank you for being so kind and for sharing your story, as it has meant a lot to me and to my friends.”


  11. Bruce Van Stone says:

    From a grade 6 student. “I livk to surf the internet and I find it to be a lot of fun. I’ve never had any problems with people like Amanda did but after seeing your video, I will be extra careful so that I don’t get bullied or taken advantage of.”


  12. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A message that came into me this morning from a teacher. “This video impacted me deeply, not only because of the fact that I teach many young people who don’t fully understand the dangers of the internet, but also because I have a 14 year old daughter who at times doesn’t want to hear what I have to say about the internet. I plan on sitting down tomorrow and watching the video with her so that she can see what can happen and so that she may finally listen to what i have to say. Thank you Carol for giving me this opportunity to share something so important with my daughter. Hopefully it will change the way she sees the internet and will make sure that from this point on she takes more precautions to protect herself on-line.”B.M.-Moncton


  13. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A message from an elementary school student. “Hi. I dont use the internet yet but when i do, i will be safe and will tell my mom if i see anything bad.”


  14. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A HS student asked me to send you this message, Carol. “Carol, firstly, I am sorry for your loss. From everyting I have read and seen, Amanda was an amazing person. Thank you for being there for our youth when many others can’t or choose not to be. I hope to see you soon in NB.”


  15. Bruce Van Stone says:

    Another student forwarded me this message. “I sometimes feel like the internet is a waste of time. Yeah, there are a lot of fun things to do on there but I don’t want to get myself in trouble by trusting the wrong people so maybe I should wait until i am a bit older before I go on. It scares me that there are people out there waiting to take advantage of young people and at my age, maybe I should hold off a bit until I know more about how I can handle such people on-line.”


  16. Bruce Van Stone says:

    A Principal emailed me and said, “Carol, thank you for all that you do. We showed your video to our entire student population of 600. We also took time to address questions from students with staff after viewing the video. Feedback from staff and students was that this was a very timely and helpful video that gives imporant information on how to stay safe on the internet as well as making youth aware that the dangers out there are real and could impact them.”


  17. Bruce Van Stone says:

    This was forwarded by another student. I liked the video and could see some of myself in Amanda. I didn’t realize she did get a lot of help but that she just thought she could handle some things on her own. I feel that way alot too, but now realize I need a trusted person in my life to confide in as things can snowball quickly. Thank you for making this video. It has helped me for sure.


  18. Bruce Van Stone says:

    This was forwarded to me yesterday by a student. The video was excellent and I like that they used an interview format. I learned a lot from it and thank you for doing this Carol. You have made a difference to my life and my friends.


  19. Bruce Van Stone says:

    Carol, this message is from one of my former students. She asked me to forward to you anonymously. Thank you Carol for this great video. It taught me that I can’t take the internet for granted and that anyone could fall into the trap that Amanda did if they trust people too much on-line. Your words inspire me and want me to make a difference too. So that is why I am going to do my best to speak out about cyber-bullying too.


  20. Bruce Van Stone says:

    Thanks Emily and one of the things that really resonates with me too is Carol’s ability to forgive and to suggest that we all try to be kind and caring towards one another.


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