January 25 – Taking the night off …

To all those that wake up to coffee reading my blog posts… I am taking the night off. It was a busy day.  Walmart in PoCo is going to be selling Amanda Todd/Stay Strong bracelets at their cashier tills for the next two weeks culminating on Chinese New Years by selling some stuffies with anti-bullying messages.  Wow!!  Also went to a cheque presentation today. Two companies donated monies that were wonderfully given by their employees to the Amanda Todd Legacy/Memorial Fund. It is a big honor to see this.  Haven’t downloaded the photos yet but will post when I get them.  Then went to a local gym where they want to do a fundraiser for Amanda’s Legacy Fund.  I am so overwhelmed with the continued thoughtfulness and generosity of people and their businesses.  It truly makes me feel that all is not a loss.  Then I ended my day by going to a bullying forum.  All great information but overloaded myself today.  Done for the day… tlll tmrr..    lots of big hugz to my friends…

PS – New bracelets are in!!!


About Carol Todd

Being the mother of Amanda Todd has lead me on this journey shortly after Amanda's death on October 10, 2012. Amanda's prolific You Tube video has been viewed over 33 million times. Through this video, there has been an increased awareness about cyberbullying, social media safety and mental health. www.amandatoddlegacy.org
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7 Responses to January 25 – Taking the night off …

  1. Will Burke says:

    That’s awesome Carol that walmart is going to be selling Amanda Todd Stay Strong wristbands at the check outs.Everyday Amanda’s message just keeps getting bigger and is being heard even louder than ever.


  2. la Punisher says:

    First 2 Jimmyhalley4: Hey… That is such a wonderful thing that your daughter is doing in Amanda’s name, “God Bless the child” It’s all for the good of humanity, And God bless your family for caring

    Carol:… you are fantastic, Amanda truly had a a very loving and caring mother, From here on in the sky is the limit, Get some rest now girl, You need it


  3. jimmyhalley4 says:

    Just to add to what I wrote earlier,just as made my last post here,i did a few things around the house,fed the dogs,cleaned up,then as i went to dispose of the rubbish(garbage)outside,it began to snow,i take that as a sign from Amanda that my step-daughter is on the right track with what she is Trying to achieve,bless you Amanda,take care carol.:)


  4. Raoul says:

    Wow, you are doing a great job Carol! Amanda would be happy to see this! Keep doing the great work! ( ps. Is there a possibilty to buy the bracelets over the Internet, I would love to have one, but I live in Luxembourg)


  5. Derek says:

    Wow good job Carol this cause is getting bigger everyday I bet Amanda would be so proud and smiling down at you keep up the good work ((Hugs))


  6. jimmyhalley4 says:

    Hi carol,greetings from the England,first of all id just like to say you and Amanda are in the thoughts of me and my family,even though we live thousands of miles apart,Amanda has touched me and family deeply,im spreading her message to all I come across,if ppl are not aware who Amanda Todd is,then I show them,it breaks the hearts of ppl I inform of the outcome of her story,they too vow to do something about bullying for the sake of there own kids and others,I have a step-daughter aged 13 who was recently attacked as the outcome of bullying she suffered for the last 2 years that we were not aware of,im glad to say she has moved schools and seems to be coming out of her dark place,she has played amanda’s video to her friends at school and also some teachers,she wants to start an anti-bullying group at the school that would ne dedicated to amanda’s memory,as a stepdad I tried to be her advocate and called the school,they told me they were very impressed with what she was trying to do and would support the idea,in school when asked why she was trying to do this she told them,”my friend Amanda died because of bullys,I can’t let it happen again”.i just thought you’d like to know amanda and her message is spreading far and wide all across the world,she is Making the world a better place,and with a few more ppl like sheryn(step-daughter)and amanda,maybe..just maybe,the world will be a better place for all our kids,sorry for the essay,take care carol,rest easy amanda,much love to you both from the UK.


  7. Rob says:

    Wow Carol !!
    What an amazing job You are doing !!
    I don’t wake up to read your blogs, I’m a nightshift worker, and read your
    blogs as soon as I get home.
    I wish the Wal Mart over here would have them at the cashier tills.
    Try to take a day for yourself, so you don’t overload yourself again.
    Try to rest too!


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