May 20 – Lost and looking for …

BC Bloggers –

Be BOLD Campaign –

I added my Princess Snowflake Tumblr blog to the first one and read more about the Be Bold Campaign tonight.  It was co-founded by a new and great friend that I met after Amanda’s death.  Then I also found out that the photographer (Susan) and I also have a connection.  The world goes in strange ways and brings people together for different reasons.  The premise of the campaign is beautifully simple.   Everyone should Be BOLD enough to talk about themself and tell others what their faults and glories.  It is to be your own person.  It is to Be Strong and then Stay Strong. It is not to be afraid of what others may think.  It is to be an individual.  Like a ‘snowflake’. 

I have a few different stories today.  Back about 3 months ago, there was still snow on the ground in Alberta, a person (Thomas Victor Nelson) posted on his Facebook and sent me a message/picture of what he had gotten painted on his tailgate.  It was a tribute to Amanda.  In truths, it looked awesome.  Well, Thomas came out to BC this week and we arranged to meet so that he could show me his truck.  It was an emotional meeting.  He told that he makes great chilli and cabbage rolls.  Yumm….  I told him that when he comes back to visit, he could do the cooking. (wink wink nudge nudge)  Thomas is a great person.   Meeting people in real life is great as long as one knows that they are safe.  My BBBB was home to make double sure.  Both Thomas and I posted pics on our Facebook.  He says that he gets lots of positive attention from his truck.  A lady this morning got emotional seeing it in Surrey.


The other thing that was great about today was …  if you remember … there was an anti-bullying event organized in Ontario for today.  The organizer was a youth (S) that was affected by Amanda’s life and unfortunate death.  I have spoken to both her and her mom via Facebook.  I wrote some words that she could read out loud. I read over what her mom was planning to say.  A Facebook friend (Lisa) went to the event and promised to take pictures.  Lisa messaged me just as S was going to read the words I wrote.  So I called Lisa on her cell and this allowed me to read what Staci was saying.  It was beautiful and heartfelt.  Lisa told me there was lots of emotion in the room.  I heard the applause.  I also saw photos that Lisa took.  I felt like I was there for some of it. So proud that this was happening across the many miles.  S wants to do this again next year.  Bullying/cyberbullying + mental health!!!


I had a short cry this afternoon.  I was in the garage and we have so many things tucked away.  That includes Amanda’s summer shoes and flip flops.  All 6 pairs of them in different colours.  Also her boogie board is noticeable behind the metal shelving.  Arggg…. (speechless).

I also started reading some letters from a class of kids that I did a presentation for  ….. Oliver’s class.  The letters were great and so heartwarming as they were from kids.

“… had enough courage and said “That is not very nice to say to her”.  The people just stared at her in confused faces, then just left.   From that day on, they never talked or hit me again.”

” I think if everyone knew what kindness really is, then bullying would stop truly.”

“Because of you, I stopped playing with people  don’t know on the internet.”  (I had told the class about the ‘stranger aspect’ when playing online video games with others.

These are only a few of the words that I have read from the reflections of the students.  I will read and share more later.

It’s late.  I’m going to Candy Crush.  I’m sure Amanda would have been playing this game too.

xoxo Big hugz..

(The saying below reminded me of the sparkly shoes Amanda took for me!!)


About Carol Todd

Being the mother of Amanda Todd has lead me on this journey shortly after Amanda's death on October 10, 2012. Amanda's prolific You Tube video has been viewed over 33 million times. Through this video, there has been an increased awareness about cyberbullying, social media safety and mental health.
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8 Responses to May 20 – Lost and looking for …

  1. Andria says:

    Boa Noite !!
    Isto é muito bonito ..conhei Thomas em minha pagina de fb ele é uma pessoa maravilhosa e fez um trabalho lindo em seu carro …rsrs prancha para mim é um alisador de cabelo rssrs ou prancha de surf muito usada aqui nas praias do Brasil!!!


    • la Punisher says:

      translation for Andria:
      Good Night!
      This is very cute .. conhei Thomas in my fb page he is a wonderful person and did a beautiful job on your car … lol board for me is a hair straightener or rssrs surfboard widely used here on the beaches of Brazil! !


  2. Hamsi says:

    That is a lovely memorial to Amanda by Thomas. Thank him for me!


  3. merle48 says:

    You know Carol, many of your readers do just that…talk about themselves and do not pretend to be someone they are not behind a computer screen. You are being transformed little by little every day…this is God’s plan…(my belief). I always look back at my life in 10 year increments, and have discovered vast changes in myself…hopefully for the better of everyone. Yours may be a shorter span, as you continue on this unwelcome journey, but you have really made the best of the worst/lemonade out of lemons! There is only one person in my life that is strong as you…that would be my sister, who has been to hell and back…you can take that whatever way you wish.


  4. merle48 says:

    To la Punisher, A boogie board is similarly used to ride the waves, and every summer here in Jersey, that is what my kids did/do. They are light weight as opposed to a surfboard, and are usually made of polypropylene material. Oh, and they’re fun!


  5. la Punisher says:

    I really think you deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for all the effort and strength you have shown in this life changing experience.

    What the heck is a boogie board??? is it what I think it is?? boogie board….hahaha that’s a good one. Thanx for the laugh Amanda..

    Hugz 2U


  6. jag72 says:

    Yes no one is perfect and blameless.
    Meet people in the outdoors and a good initiative to know who they are in life.
    More prejudice behind this screen.


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